Paul Cézanne

Landscape near Aix with the Tour de César

Paul Cézanne - Landscape near Aix with the Tour de César

Paul Cézanne
Landscape near Aix with the Tour de César
c. 1894
73 x 92 cm
Oil on canvas
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam


Catalogues raisonnés
R 793

Collection catalogues
Erik Beenker, The collection, Rotterdam, 2005, p. 170

Other works by Paul Cezanne

Paul Cézanne Grapes and Peach on a Plate
Grapes and Peach on a Plate

Paul Cézanne The Large Pear
The Large Pear

Paul Cézanne A Turn in the Road at La Roche-Guyon
A Turn in the Road at La Roche-Guyon

Paul Cézanne On the Banks of a River (Au Bord d'une Rivière)
On the Banks of a River (Au Bord d'une Rivière)
c. 1904

Paul Cézanne The Boy in the Red Waistcoat
The Boy in the Red Waistcoat