Peter Paul Rubens

St Barbara Pursued by her Father

Peter Paul Rubens - St Barbara Pursued by her Father

Peter Paul Rubens
St Barbara Pursued by her Father
15.5 x 20.7 cm
Oil on panel
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Presented by Chambers Hall, 1855


Christopher White, Ashmolean Museum Oxford, catalogue of the collection of paintings, Oxford; New York, 1999, pp. 110-111


Charles Spruyt, sale Ghent, 28 July 1806, nr. 171 and 3 October 1815, nr. 126
Th. Loridon de Ghellinck sale Ghent, 3 September 1821, nr. 214

Other works by Peter Paul Rubens

Peter Paul Rubens A Satyr Pressing Grapes with a Tiger and a Leopard
A Satyr Pressing Grapes with a Tiger and a Leopard

Peter Paul Rubens Two Studies of a Man
Two Studies of a Man
c. 1615/17

Peter Paul Rubens and studio Orpheus Leading Eurydice from Hades
Orpheus Leading Eurydice from Hades

Peter Paul Rubens Saint James the Great
Saint James the Great
c. 1612

Peter Paul Rubens St Clare of Assisi
St Clare of Assisi