John Singer Sargent

Madame Errazuriz

John Singer Sargent - Madame Errazuriz

John Singer Sargent
Madame Errazuriz
c. 1882-83
44.5 x 35.9 cm
Oil on canvas
Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Indiana
Gift of Estate of Edward Fowles


Richard Ormond and Elaine Kilmurray, John Singer Sargent Complete Paintings, New Haven and London, 1998, nr. 72

Other works by John Singer Sargent

John Singer Sargent Contessa Chiericati
Contessa Chiericati
c. 1897

John Singer Sargent Thornton Kirkland Lothrop
Thornton Kirkland Lothrop

John Singer Sargent W. Graham Robertson
W. Graham Robertson
c. 1894

John Singer Sargent Kate Millet
Kate Millet

John Singer Sargent Mary Turner Austin
Mary Turner Austin
c. 1878