Rembrandt Workshop (possibly Willem Drost) - The Philosopher

Rembrandt Workshop (possibly Willem Drost)
The Philosopher
c. 1653
61.5 x 49.5 cm
Oil on walnut
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Widener Collection


Catalogues raisonnés
Bredius under 260
Bauch 214 (Rembrandt) info
Bredius/Gerson 260A (not by Rembrandt) info
Bikker R24 (rejected as by Willem Drost)
Giltaij 289 (follower of Rembrandt)

Collection catalogues
Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century, Washington; New York and Oxford, 1995, pp. 309-314 (as Rembrandt Workshop possibly Willem Drost)
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 356 (as Rembrandt)


with Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris, 1905
Maurice Kann, Paris, by 1906
with Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris
sold 20 December 1906 to Peter A.B. Widener, Lynnewood Hall, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
inheritance from Estate of Peter A.B. Widener by gift through power of appointment of Joseph E. Widener, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
gift 1942 to NGA

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Portrait of a Man Holding a Hat
Portrait of a Man Holding a Hat
c. 1639

Rembrandt Lucretia

Rembrandt Portrait of a Girl Wearing a Gold-trimmed Cloak
Portrait of a Girl Wearing a Gold-trimmed Cloak

Rembrandt Abraham's Sacrifice
Abraham's Sacrifice

Rembrandt The Laughing Man
The Laughing Man