Crispijn van de Passe the Younger

The Baptism of Harold Bluetooth

Crispijn van de Passe the Younger - The Baptism of Harold Bluetooth

Crispijn van de Passe the Younger
The Baptism of Harold Bluetooth
c. 1637-39
248 x 367 mm
Pencil, red chalk, pen, brown ink, brown and black wash
Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin


Eric Jan Sluijter, Rembrandt's rivals, Amsterdam; Philadelphia, 2015, fig. III-36

Other works by Crispyn de Passe the Younger

Crispyn de Passe the Younger Endymion Kneeling before Diana
Endymion Kneeling before Diana

Crispijn van de Passe the Younger Emperor Ludwig the Pious Receiving Harald Klak
Emperor Ludwig the Pious Receiving Harald Klak
c. 1637-39

Crispijn van de Passe the Younger The Royal Double Betrothals or Nuptials of 1502
The Royal Double Betrothals or Nuptials of 1502
c. 1638

Crispijn van de Passe the Younger Radulph Fighting the Wends at Roskilde
Radulph Fighting the Wends at Roskilde
c. 1637-39

Crispijn de Passe the Younger Drawing from the Life in the Utrecht Academy
Drawing from the Life in the Utrecht Academy