Edgar Degas

Aria after the ballet

Edgar Degas - Aria after the ballet

Edgar Degas
Aria after the ballet
c. 1879
59.7 x 75 cm
Pastel over peinture à l'essence
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas
Wendy and Emery Reves Collection


Catalogues raisonnés
Paul-André Lemoisne, Degas et son oeuvre, Paris,, 1946-48, nr. 521

Richard Kendall, Degas landscapes, New Haven, 1993, fig. 120

Other works by Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas Woman combing her hair
Woman combing her hair
c. 1896-99

Edgar Degas After the bath, woman drying herself
After the bath, woman drying herself
c. 1895-1905

Edgar Degas Two Horses, One Nuzzling the Other
Two Horses, One Nuzzling the Other
c. 1890-92

Edgar Degas Woman combing her hair
Woman combing her hair
c. 1896-99

Edgar Degas Ballet dancers on the stage
Ballet dancers on the stage