Thomas Lawrence

Portrait of George Hibbert

Thomas Lawrence - Portrait of George Hibbert

Thomas Lawrence
Portrait of George Hibbert
Oil on canvas
Port of London Authority Collection, Museum in Docklands, London


Collection catalogues
Ivan Gaskell, Seventeenth century Dutch and Flemish painting, London, 1990, p. 21, fig. 2

Other works by Thomas Lawrence

Thomas Lawrence Lady Templetown and Her Son
Lady Templetown and Her Son
c. 1801

Thomas Lawrence Julia, Lady Peel
Julia, Lady Peel

Thomas Lawrence Charles William Vane-Stewart, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry
Charles William Vane-Stewart, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry

Thomas Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. John Julius Angerstein
Mr. and Mrs. John Julius Angerstein

Thomas Lawrence The Children of Ascoyghe Boucherett
The Children of Ascoyghe Boucherett
c. 1800