Henry Ossawa Tanner

Les Invalides, Paris

Henry Ossawa Tanner - Les Invalides, Paris

Henry Ossawa Tanner
Les Invalides, Paris
33.3 x 41.3 cm
Oil on canvas
Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago
Daniel J. Terra Collection


2006 Americans in Paris 1860-1900, Nr. 52

Other works by Henry Ossawa Tanner

Henry Ossawa Tanner Resurrection of Lazarus
Resurrection of Lazarus

Henry Ossawa Tanner The Two Disciples at the Tomb
The Two Disciples at the Tomb
c. 1906

Henry Ossawa Tanner Palace of justice, Tangier
Palace of justice, Tangier
c. 1908

Henry Ossawa Tanner Christ and His Disciples on the Bethany Road
Christ and His Disciples on the Bethany Road
c. 1905

Henry Ossawa Tanner Virgin and Child
Virgin and Child