Michael Sweerts

A Couple and a Boy in a Garden

Michael Sweerts - A Couple and a Boy in a Garden

Michael Sweerts
A Couple and a Boy in a Garden
ca. 1648-50
37.7 x 48.8 cm
Oil on canvas
Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts


2002 Michael Sweerts (1618-1664), Nr. 10

Other works by Michael Sweerts

Michiel Sweerts Soldiers playing dice
Soldiers playing dice

Michael Sweerts A Man Drinking
A Man Drinking

Michael Sweerts Two Men in Oriental Costume
Two Men in Oriental Costume
ca. 1660-61

Michael Sweerts Young Gentleman and Procuress
Young Gentleman and Procuress
ca, 1652-54

Michael Sweerts Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man