Michael Sweerts

Soldiers Playing Dice

Michael Sweerts - Soldiers Playing Dice

Michael Sweerts
Soldiers Playing Dice
51 x 77 cm
Oil on canvas
Louvre, Paris


Collection catalogues
Ivan Gaskell, Seventeenth century Dutch and Flemish painting, London, 1990, p. 225, fig. 1

Other works by Michael Sweerts

Michael Sweerts Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man

Michael Sweerts Boy Drawing before the Bust of a Roman Emperor
Boy Drawing before the Bust of a Roman Emperor
c. 1661

Attributed to Michael Sweerts Gypsy Girl
Gypsy Girl

Michael Sweerts The Sense of Hearing
The Sense of Hearing

Attributed to Michael Sweerts The Baptism of Christ
The Baptism of Christ