Frans van Mieris the Elder

Lady in Front of a Mirror

Frans van Mieris the Elder - Lady in Front of a Mirror

Frans van Mieris the Elder
Lady in Front of a Mirror
c. 1670
43 x 31.5 cm
Oil on panel
Alte Pinakothek, Munich


Collection catalogues
Marcus Dekiert, Alte Pinakothek, München, 2006, pp. 126-127

Wayne Franits, Dutch Seventeenth-Century Genre Painting, New Haven, 2004, fig. 112

External links

Alte Pinakothek, Munich Accession number 219

Other works by Frans van Mieris the Elder

Frans van Mieris the Elder Woman Playing the Theorbo
Woman Playing the Theorbo

Frans van Mieris the Elder A Girl Selling Grapes to an old Woman
A Girl Selling Grapes to an old Woman
c. 1655

Frans van Mieris the Elder Portrait of a Couple
Portrait of a Couple

Frans van Mieris Musical Company of Gentlemen and Ladies
Musical Company of Gentlemen and Ladies

Frans van Mieris A Woman with a Bird in a Small Coffer
A Woman with a Bird in a Small Coffer