Francesco Guardi

The Doge of Venice Attending the Shrove Thursday Festivities in the Piazzetta

Francesco Guardi - The Doge of Venice Attending the Shrove Thursday Festivities in the Piazzetta

Francesco Guardi
The Doge of Venice Attending the Shrove Thursday Festivities in the Piazzetta
c. 1775
67 x 100 cm
Oil on canvas
Louvre, Paris

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The Giovedi Grasso Festival in the Piazzetta

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Giovanni Battista Brustolon after Canaletto
The Giovedi Grasso Festival in the Piazzetta


Peter Björn Kerber, Eyewitness views, Los Angeles, 2017, fig. 20

Other works by Francesco Guardi

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The Dogana with the Giudecca in Venice

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The Balloon Flight of Count Zambeccari

Gian Antonio Guardi and Francesco Guardi Carlo and Ubaldo Resisting the Enchantments of Armida's Nymphs
Carlo and Ubaldo Resisting the Enchantments of Armida's Nymphs

Francesco Guardi Campo San Zanipolo
Campo San Zanipolo

Francesco Guardi Doge Alvise IV Mocenigo in the Corpus Christi Procession in Piazza San Marco
Doge Alvise IV Mocenigo in the Corpus Christi Procession in Piazza San Marco
c. 1775