Gerard Dou

Woman Drawing Wine from a Barrel

Gerard Dou - Woman Drawing Wine from a Barrel

Gerard Dou
Woman Drawing Wine from a Barrel
c. 1657
30.5 x 25.4 cm
Oil on panel
Hohenbuchau Collection
on permanent loan to Liechtenstein, The Princely Collections, Vienna


Adriaan E. Waiboer, with Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr and Blaise Ducos, Vermeer and the masters of genre painting, Dublin, Washington, Paris, New Haven and London, 2017, fig. 11

Other works by Gerard Dou

Gerard Dou Dentist Pulling Out a Girl's Tooth
Dentist Pulling Out a Girl's Tooth

Gerard Dou Portrait of a Woman
Portrait of a Woman
c. 1642-46

Gerard Dou The Grocer's Shop
The Grocer's Shop

Gerard Dou The Herring Seller
The Herring Seller

Gerard Dou Old painter in a studio
Old painter in a studio