Nicolaes Maes

Sleeping woman

Nicolaes Maes - Sleeping woman

Nicolaes Maes
Sleeping woman
c. 1655
82 x 67 cm
Oil on canvas
Signed upper right above keys: N. MAES
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Andrew W. Mellon Collection


Catalogues raisonnés
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler III, Landau/Pfalz, 1986, nr. 1368
Krempel D37

Collection catalogues
Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century, Washington; New York and Oxford, 1995, pp. 159-164
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 374

Christiaan Vogelaar and Gerbrand Korevaar, Rembrandt's Mother, Zwolle, 2005, fig. 101


1993 Bilder vom alten Menschen, Nr. 44


Antoine Delacoux de Marivault (1771-1846), Paris
his sale, Salle Desmarets by Le Brun and Jaluzot, Paris, 9-10 June 1806, 1st day, nr. 29, probably bought in
sale, by Pérignon and Chariot, Paris, 28-29 March 1816, 1st day, nr. 49, bought in
deposited 1817 with Frederic Quilliet, Paris
Quilliet sale, by Henry and Jaluzot, Paris, 15-17 April 1818, 1st day, nr. 188
possibly sale, Edward Foster, London, 7 June 1833, nr. 69
anonymous sale, Worcester, 1856
Thomas Grove Smith (died 1879), Rashwood House, Droitwich, Worcestershire
by inheritance to his son, Herbert George Smith (died 1918), Apsey House, Batheaston, Somerset
with Arthur J. Sulley & Co., London
sold 25 September 1919 to Thos. Agnew & Sons, Ltd., London
sold 15 January 1920 to John Levy Galleries, New York
Nils B. Hersloff, East Orange, New Jersey
consigned April 1933-May 1934 and January 1935-April 1936 to M. Knoedler & Co., New York
purchased 16 April 1936 by The A.W. Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust, Pittsburgh
gift 1937 to NGA

Other works by Nicolaes Maes

Nicolaes Maes Hurdy gurdy player
Hurdy gurdy player

Nicolaes Maes Three Children in a Landscape
Three Children in a Landscape

Nicolaes Maes Young scholar
Young scholar

Nicolaes Maes Children in a landscape
Children in a landscape

Nicolaes Maes Portrait of a lady
Portrait of a lady
c. 1668-70