François Boucher

The Birth and Triumph of Venus

François Boucher - The Birth and Triumph of Venus

François Boucher
The Birth and Triumph of Venus
c. 1743
390 x 310 mm
Black chalk and gouache
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles


The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, 2007, p. 171

Other works by François Boucher

François Boucher Young Man Wearing a Beret
Young Man Wearing a Beret

François Boucher Female Nude Seated upon a Dolphin
Female Nude Seated upon a Dolphin

François Boucher A peasant boy and shepherds
A peasant boy and shepherds

François Boucher A small child holding a porte-crayon and an album
A small child holding a porte-crayon and an album

François Boucher Seated Nude
Seated Nude