Abraham Bloemaert

Theagenes Receives the Palm of Honour from Charicleia

Abraham Bloemaert - Theagenes Receives the Palm of Honour from Charicleia

Abraham Bloemaert
Theagenes Receives the Palm of Honour from Charicleia
157.2 x 157.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Signed and dateds lower left: A Bloemaert. ƒe:/ 1626
Mauritshuis, The Hague


Collection catalogues
Compiled by Quentin Buvelot, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague; Zwolle, 2004, pp. 68-69

Paul Schnabel, Anders gekeken, Zwolle, 2021, fig. 361
Pennen over penselen, Den Haag; Zwolle, 2022, pp. 126-127


Frederick Henry, The Hague (Honselaarsdijk?), 1626-1647
William II, The Hague (Honselaarsdijk?), 1647-1650
William III, The Hague (Honselaarsdijk), 1650-1702
John William Friso, Apeldoorn (Paleis het Loo), 1703-1713
Paleis het Loo, Apeldoorn, 1713-1800
Nationale Konst-Gallery, The Hague (Huis ten Bosch), 1800-1805
Nationale Konst-Gallery, The Hague (Buitenhof), 1805-1809
City of The Hague (Buitenhof), 1809-1814
Stored in the Buitenhof, 1814-1821
Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, The Hague, since 1822
on loan to Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 1923-1977
since 1977 exhibited in the Galerij Prins Willem V, The Hague

External links

RKD 6757
Mauritshuis, The Hague Accession number 16

Other works by Abraham Bloemaert

Abraham Bloemaert Boy with rumbling pot
Boy with rumbling pot
c. 1625/30

Abraham Bloemaert The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis
The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis
c. 1590/95

Attributed to Abraham Bloemaert A man in a fur hat
A man in a fur hat

Abraham Bloemaert The Contest Between Apollo and Pan
The Contest Between Apollo and Pan
c. 1635-40

Abraham Bloemaert Landscape with Dilapidated Buildings and Figures
Landscape with Dilapidated Buildings and Figures