Jacob van Ruisdael

Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall and a Church on a Hill

Jacob van Ruisdael - Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall and a Church on a Hill

Jacob van Ruisdael
Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall and a Church on a Hill
65.8 x 53.3 cm
Oil on canvas
Stiftung Jakob Briner, Winterthur


HdG 336, Zus. 378a
Slive 298


Sale Johan van der Linden van Slingeland, Yver, Dordrecht, 22 sqq. August 1785, nr. 344 to Beekman
sale Prince de Talleyrand, Paris, 7 July 1817, nr. 26 (sale did not take place, whoöe collection sold)
sale Pourtalés, Phillips, London, 19-20 May 1826, nr. 97
H.D. Seymour, Knoyle House, near Hindon, Wilts., by 1857
by descent to Miss J.M. Seymour of East Knoyle, Salisbury, Wilts.
her sale, Christie's, London, 19 January 1945, nr. 93
with Duits, London, sold to Walker, 1948
Sir Alexander Walker
sale by his heirs, Christie's, London, 4 May 1951, nr. 33 to Argenti
Nicholas Argenti
by descent to his daughter, Mrs. Anne Conran, Cardiff
with Harari and Johns, London, 1985
with Galerie Sanct Lucas, Vienna, 1985
acquired by Stiftung Jakob Briner, 1986

Other works by Jacob van Ruisdael

Jacob van Ruisdael Dune Landscape
Dune Landscape

Jacob van Ruisdael Wooded Landscape with a Stream, Pool, Shepherd and Shepherdess
Wooded Landscape with a Stream, Pool, Shepherd and Shepherdess

Jacob van Ruisdael An extensive landscape with grain fields, Heemstede beyond
An extensive landscape with grain fields, Heemstede beyond

Jacob van Ruisdael Waterfall with a Castle on a Mountain
Waterfall with a Castle on a Mountain

Jacob van Ruisdael Chapel by a Waterfall
Chapel by a Waterfall