Circle of Paul de Vos

A dead deer with a dog at the foot of a tree

Circle of Paul de Vos - A dead deer with a dog at the foot of a tree

Circle of Paul de Vos
A dead deer with a dog at the foot of a tree
120.8 x 148 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021

Other works by Paul de Vos

Paul de Vos Various flowers in vases, figs and strawberries in Kraak porcelain bowls, with copperware, dead game, two cats fighting and three dogs in the foreground
Various flowers in vases, figs and strawberries in Kraak porcelain bowls, with copperware, dead game, two cats fighting and three dogs in the foreground

Paul de Vos and Jan Wildens Stag Hunt
Stag Hunt

Paul de Vos Deer hunt
Deer hunt

Paul de Vos and Jan Wildens Leopard Hunt
Leopard Hunt

Paul de Vos and Jan Wildens Deer Hunt
Deer Hunt