Pietro da Cortona

A nude youth kneeling before an altar

Pietro da Cortona - A nude youth kneeling before an altar

Pietro da Cortona
A nude youth kneeling before an altar
362 x 258 mm
Red chalk
Sale Christie's, London, 4 December 2018


Jonathan Richardson Sen., London (1665-1747) (Lugt 2983, with his shelf mark Lh. 7.)
John Bouverie, Delapré Abbey, near Northampton (1722/3-1750) (Lugt 325)
M.H. Bloxam, by whom given to Rugby School Art Museum; with his inscription 'Rugby School Art Museum - e dono Matt: H: Bloxam' and date 1880 (on the mount)
sale Christie's, London, Old Masters/New Scholars: Works of Art Sold to Benefit Rugby School, 4 December 2018, nr. 47

Other works by Pietro da Cortona

Pietro da Cortona The Triumph of Divine Providence
The Triumph of Divine Providence

Pietro da Cortona Christ on the Cross, with the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Saint John
Christ on the Cross, with the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Saint John
c. 1661

Pietro da Cortona Study of a nymph, her arms outstretched
Study of a nymph, her arms outstretched

Pietro da Cortona The Birth of Maria
The Birth of Maria

Pietro da Cortona Venus Appears to Aeneas
Venus Appears to Aeneas
c. 1630