Lorenzo Monaco

Saint Jerome in his Study

Lorenzo Monaco - Saint Jerome in his Study

Lorenzo Monaco
Saint Jerome in his Study
c. 1420
23 x 18 cm
Tempera on panel
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Sale, Richard von Kaufmann (1849-1908, Berlin), Berlin (Cassirer & Helbing), 4 December 1917 sqq., nr. 4, DM 8,000, to Prof. Dr Otto Lanz (1865-1935), Amsterdam
his widow, Anna Theresia Elisabeth Lanz - Willi (1870 - 1954), Amsterdam, 1935
from whom, CHF 2,000,000 and fl. 350,000, with xx other paintings, to Hans Posse (1879-1942), for Adolf Hitler’s Führermuseum, Linz, through the mediation of the dealer N. Katz, 1941
war recuperation, SNK, 7 November 1945 (inv. no. NK 2337)
on loan from the SNK to the museum, 1948 (inv. no. SK-C-1391)
transferred to the museum, 1960

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number SK-A-3976

Other works by Lorenzo Monaco

Lorenzo Monaco Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata
Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata
c. 1420

Lorenzo Monaco Bust of Saint Mary (formerly entitled Madonna)
Bust of Saint Mary (formerly entitled Madonna)
c. 1381 - c. 1425

Lorenzo Monaco The Birth of Christ
The Birth of Christ

Lorenzo Monaco Adoring Saints
Adoring Saints

Lorenzo Monaco The Decapitation of Saint Catherine
The Decapitation of Saint Catherine