Gerard ter Borch

A boy caring for his dog

Gerard ter Borch - A boy caring for his dog

Gerard ter Borch
A boy caring for his dog
c. 1655
35 x 27 cm
Oil on canvas on panel
Alte Pinakothek, Munich


Catalogues raisonnés
HdG 158
Gudlaugsson 116

Collection catalogues
Marcus Dekiert, Alte Pinakothek, München, 2006, pp. 46-47

External links

Alte Pinakothek, Munich Accession number 589

Other works by Gerard ter Borch

Gerard ter Borch Lucretia Rouse, wife of the preacher Jan van Duren
Lucretia Rouse, wife of the preacher Jan van Duren

Gerard ter Borch Curiosity
c. 1660-61

Gerard ter Borch The preacher Jan van Duren
The preacher Jan van Duren

Gerard ter Borch Paternal Admonition
Paternal Admonition

Gerard ter Borch The town council of Deventer
The town council of Deventer