Adriaen Coorte

Mountainous landscape with ducks

Adriaen Coorte - Mountainous landscape with ducks

Adriaen Coorte
Mountainous landscape with ducks
c. 1683
84 x 70 cm
Oil on canvas
The Kremer Collection

Other works by Adriaen Coorte

Adriaen Coorte Wild Straberries on a Ledge
Wild Straberries on a Ledge

Adriaen Coorte Still-life with Seashells
Still-life with Seashells

Adriaen Coorte Three peaches on a stone ledge with a Red Admiral butterfly
Three peaches on a stone ledge with a Red Admiral butterfly

Adriaen Coorte Still Life with Seashells
Still Life with Seashells

Adriaen Coorte Three Peaches on a Stone Plinth
Three Peaches on a Stone Plinth