Vincent van Gogh

Field with Two Sowers and Trees

Vincent van Gogh - Field with Two Sowers and Trees

Vincent van Gogh
Field with Two Sowers and Trees
285 x 220 mm
Black chalk
Collection Mr. and Mrs. Joram Piatigorski


Catalogues raisonnés
F 1618
JH 1901

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Sketch of Cows and Children
Sketch of Cows and Children

Vincent van Gogh Sketch of a Woman with a Baby in her Lap
Sketch of a Woman with a Baby in her Lap

Vincent van Gogh Two Sowers
Two Sowers

Vincent van Gogh Snow-Covered Cottages, a Couple with a Child, and Other Walkers
Snow-Covered Cottages, a Couple with a Child, and Other Walkers

Vincent van Gogh Sheet with a Digger and a Dog
Sheet with a Digger and a Dog