
A seated female nude (Bathsheba)

Guercino - A seated female nude (Bathsheba)

A seated female nude (Bathsheba)
232 x 186 mm
Pen and brown ink, red chalk
Sale Christie's, New York, 31 January 2019


Henry Scipio Reitlinger, London (1882-1950) (L. 2274a, on the mount)
unidentified collector (M.C. E. 75, on the mount)
with Margot Gordon, New York, 1997, where acquired by the present owner
sale Christie's, New York, 31 January 2019, nr. 39

Other works by Guercino

Guercino Ecce Homo
Ecce Homo

Guercino A study of putti for the Madonna del Rosario, Osimo
A study of putti for the Madonna del Rosario, Osimo

Guercino Head of boy, in profile to the left
Head of boy, in profile to the left

Guercino Cupid standing with a bow
Cupid standing with a bow

Guercino Study for an executioner
Study for an executioner