William Young Ottley, London (1771-1836), his mount and with his attribution 'Pietro Facini, Pittore Bolognese'; T. Philipe, London, 6-23 June 1814, lot 508, 'FACINI (Pietro), One– a design for an altar picture– pen and bistre, on brown paper, heightened–capital'.
Sir Thomas Lawrence, London (1769-1830) (L. 2445).
Samuel Woodburn, London (1786-1853), from the Collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence; Christie's, 4 June 1860, lot 15, 'A scriptural subject, FACCINI', (with four others) (16s. to Bloxam).
M.H. Bloxam, by whom given to Rugby School Art Museum; with his inscription and attribution 'Rugby School Art Museum/ e dono Matt: H: Bloxam/ Lawrence Collection' (on the mount).
Sale Christie's, London, 4 December 2018, nr. 38