Circle of Francesco Trevisani

The Penitent Magdalen

Circle of Francesco Trevisani - The Penitent Magdalen

Circle of Francesco Trevisani
The Penitent Magdalen
85.1 x 70.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 23 February 2016

Other works by Francesco Trevisani

Francesco Trevisani The Institution of the Eucharist
The Institution of the Eucharist

Francesco Trevisani Portrait of an Arch-Lutenist with a quill pen, inkwell and sheet music on a table by his side
Portrait of an Arch-Lutenist with a quill pen, inkwell and sheet music on a table by his side

Francesco Trevisani Daphne

Circle of Francesco Trevisani The Death of Cleopatra
The Death of Cleopatra

Circle of Francesco Trevisani Juno receiving the girdle from Venus
Juno receiving the girdle from Venus