Jacob Jordaens

Modello for the Triumph of Frederick Henry

Jacob Jordaens - Modello for the Triumph of Frederick Henry

Jacob Jordaens
Modello for the Triumph of Frederick Henry
116 x 126 cm
Oil on canvas
Signed bottom centre: J.JOR.
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp


Sale H. W[eck], Drouot, Paris, 30 April 1900, nr. 28 to FĂ©ral
F. de Koninck, Brussels, 1901
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp, since 1901

Other works by Jacob Jordaens

Jacob Jordaens Nymphs and Fauns
Nymphs and Fauns

Jacob Jordaens Offerings to Ceres
Offerings to Ceres

Jacob Jordaens The Virgin and Child with Saint John and His Parents
The Virgin and Child with Saint John and His Parents
c. 1616-17

Jacob Jordaens The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis
The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis

Jacob Jordaens The Four Evangelists
The Four Evangelists
c. 1625-30