Attributed to Jean Victor Bertin

A park landscape with a woman standing beside a basket

Attributed to Jean Victor Bertin - A park landscape with a woman standing beside a basket

Attributed to Jean Victor Bertin
A park landscape with a woman standing beside a basket
16.1 x 21.7 cm
Oil on paper, laid down on canvas
Sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021


With Hazlitt, Gooden & Fox, London, 1984 (according to a label on the reverse)
sale Bonhams, New York, 15 April 2021, nr. 154 (bought-in)

Other works by Jean-Victor Bertin

Jean Victor Bertin A view of Tivoli with drovers crossing a bridge in the foreground
A view of Tivoli with drovers crossing a bridge in the foreground

Attributed to Jean-Victor Bertin A wooded landscape with a shepherd before a hamlet
A wooded landscape with a shepherd before a hamlet

Attributed to Jean-Victor Bertin Travellers on a track, a temple beyond
Travellers on a track, a temple beyond

Jean-Victor Bertin A Forest with Apollo and Daphne
A Forest with Apollo and Daphne

Jean-Victor Bertin An Aqueduct Near a Fortress
An Aqueduct Near a Fortress