Gerard van Honthorst

Merry Company with a Lute Player

Gerard van Honthorst - Merry Company with a Lute Player

Gerard van Honthorst
Merry Company with a Lute Player
c. 1619/20
144 x 212 cm
Oil on canvas
Uffizi, Florence


Catalogues raisonnés
Judson & Ekkart 281


2018 Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europe, Nr. 28

External links

RKD 240553

Other works by Gerard van Honthorst

Gerard van Honthorst Seneca's Death
Seneca's Death
c. 1620-25

Gerard van Honthorst The Tooth Puller
The Tooth Puller

Gerard van Honthorst King David Playing the Harp
King David Playing the Harp

Gerard van Honthorst Allegory on the Marriage of Frederik Hendrik and Amalia van Solms
Allegory on the Marriage of Frederik Hendrik and Amalia van Solms

Gerard van Honthorst Merry Company
Merry Company