Vincent van Gogh

Trees on a Slope

Vincent van Gogh - Trees on a Slope

Vincent van Gogh
Trees on a Slope
37.5 x 46 cm
Oil on canvas
P. and N. de Boer Foundation, Amsterdam


Catalogues raisonnés
F 291
JH 1314

Ingo F. Walther, Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh, Köln, 1993, p. 248
Cornelia Homburg (ed.), Van Gogh, New Haven and London, 2012, fig. 150
Richard Kendall, Sjraar van Heugten, Chris Stolwijk, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, Massachusetts; New Haven, Connecticut, 2015, fig. 86

External links

RKD 255213

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

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Reclining nude

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Fishing in Spring, the Pont de Clichy

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