Paulus Bor

A woman and a boy making an offering at a pagan altar

Paulus Bor - A woman and a boy making an offering at a pagan altar

Paulus Bor
A woman and a boy making an offering at a pagan altar
89.5 x 67.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 7 July 2010


Traditionally believed to have been in the family of the present owners for approximately 200 years
sale Bonhams, London, 7 July 2010, nr. 33

Other works by Paulus Bor

Paulus Bor Ariadne
c. 1630/35

Paulus Bor Jesus among the Doctors
Jesus among the Doctors
c. 1630-35

Paulus Bor Travel Pouch and Documents on a Table
Travel Pouch and Documents on a Table

Paulus Bor The Disillusioned Medea ('The Enchantress')
The Disillusioned Medea ('The Enchantress')
c. 1640

Paulus Bor Cydippe with Acontius
Cydippe with Acontius
c. 1640