Gaspar Pieter Verbrugghen the Younger

A lady standing beside a sculpted stone urn adorned with roses, tulips, crown imperials, convolvulus and other flowers

Gaspar Pieter Verbrugghen the Younger - A lady standing beside a sculpted stone urn adorned with roses, tulips, crown imperials, convolvulus and other flowers

Gaspar Pieter Verbrugghen the Younger
A lady standing beside a sculpted stone urn adorned with roses, tulips, crown imperials, convolvulus and other flowers
114 x 148.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 4 July 2018


Private Collection, Belgium, acquired by the 1960s (as by Jan Baptist Bosschaert) and thence by descent
Sale Bonhams, London, 4 July 2018, nr. 10

Other works by Gaspar Peeter Verbrugghen II

Gaspar Pieter Verbruggen the Younger Narcissi, tulips, roses and other flowers in a vase, on a ledge
Narcissi, tulips, roses and other flowers in a vase, on a ledge

Gaspar Pieter Verbruggen the Younger Quince, grapes, cherries and other fruit with roses on a stone ledge
Quince, grapes, cherries and other fruit with roses on a stone ledge

Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen II Garland of Flowers Around a Cartouche with a Bronze Statuette of Apollo
Garland of Flowers Around a Cartouche with a Bronze Statuette of Apollo

Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen II Portrait of Maria-Louisa Gabriela of Savoy in a Frame Adorned with Flowers
Portrait of Maria-Louisa Gabriela of Savoy in a Frame Adorned with Flowers

Gaspar Peeter Verbruggen II Flowers in a Vase
Flowers in a Vase