Thomas Rowlandson

A farm scene

Thomas Rowlandson - A farm scene

Thomas Rowlandson
A farm scene
141 x 231 mm
Pn and ink and watercolour on paper
Sale Bonhams, London, 23 February 2016


With Sidney Sabin, London, where purchased by the present owner's family
Sale Bonhams, London, 23 February 2016, nr. 19

Other works by Thomas Rowlandson

Thomas Rowlandson The Cole Hole
The Cole Hole

Thomas Rowlandson A Master of the Ceremonies introducing a partner
A Master of the Ceremonies introducing a partner

Thomas Rowlandson A Cornish wrestling match
A Cornish wrestling match

Thomas Rowlandson Figures outside an inn
Figures outside an inn

Thomas Rowlandson Reculver Church, Kent
Reculver Church, Kent