Adriaen Frans Boudewijns and Pieter Bout

Shepherds and shepherdesses resting and watering their livestock

Adriaen Frans Boudewijns and Pieter Bout - Shepherds and shepherdesses resting and watering their livestock

Adriaen Frans Boudewijns and Pieter Bout
Shepherds and shepherdesses resting and watering their livestock
44 x 60 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 7 July 2004


Léonard, Vicomte du Bus de Gisignies (1780-1849), Brussels
His son, Bernard Aimé, Vicomte du Bus de Gisignies (1808-1874)
His son, Bernard Daniel, Vicomte du Bus de Gisignies (1832-1898)
His daughter, Isabelle, Vicomtesse du Bus de Gisignies (1874-1912), who married Maximilien, Comte de Renesse-Breidbach (1867-1951)
His son, Joseph, Comte de Renesse (1912-1971) and thence by descent to the present owner
Sale Bonhams, London, 7 July 2004, nr. 14 (bought in)