Manner of David Teniers the Younger

Peasants merrymaking outside an inn

Manner of David Teniers the Younger - Peasants merrymaking outside an inn

Manner of David Teniers the Younger
Peasants merrymaking outside an inn
18th Century
143.5 x 100.4 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 20 July 2016


The Collection of Charles Henry Labouchère
His widow, Ethel Labouchère, Mapperton House, Dorset, by whom offered
Sale, Messrs Rawlinson and Squarey, Mapperton House, 14-16 February 1956, lot 464, where purchased by the present owner's grandmother
Sale Bonhams, London, 20 July 2016, nr. 64 (bought in)

Other works by David Teniers the Younger

Manner of David Teniers the Younger An Allegory of Winter
An Allegory of Winter
18th Century

Manner of David Teniers the Younger An Allegory of Autumn
An Allegory of Autumn
18th Century

David Teniers the Younger Figures reading in an interior
Figures reading in an interior

Studio of David Teniers the Younger Interior of an inn with a maidservant washing pots
Interior of an inn with a maidservant washing pots

Manner of David Teniers the Younger A figure smoking a pipe in a barn interior
A figure smoking a pipe in a barn interior