Thomas Rowlandson

A game of billiards

Thomas Rowlandson - A game of billiards

Thomas Rowlandson
A game of billiards
114 x 188 mm
Pen and ink and watercolour
Sale Bonhams, London, 24 October 2018


Mrs Caroline Scott, 1858
With Spink, London (all according to a label on the reverse)
Private Collection, UK
Sale Bonhams, London, 24 October 2018, nr. 244

Other works by Thomas Rowlandson

Thomas Rowlandson The Jockey Mrs Thornton
The Jockey Mrs Thornton

Thomas Rowlandson The Guards Room
The Guards Room

Thomas Rowlandson A Racing Scene
A Racing Scene

Thomas Rowlandson A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

Thomas Rowlandson The Suppliant
The Suppliant