Circle of Michael Dahl

Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a green and gold silk dress

Circle of Michael Dahl - Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a green and gold silk dress

Circle of Michael Dahl
Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a green and gold silk dress
76 x 63.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 10 April 2013

Other works by Michael Dahl

Circle of Michael Dahl Portrait of a gentleman, seated three-quarter-length
Portrait of a gentleman, seated three-quarter-length

Circle of Michael Dahl Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a blue dress and white chemise
Portrait of a lady, half-length, in a blue dress and white chemise

Follower of Michael Dahl Portrait of Catherine, First Duchess of Rutland, three-quarter-length, in a white dress and blue wrap, seated with a lamb before a landscape
Portrait of Catherine, First Duchess of Rutland, three-quarter-length, in a white dress and blue wrap, seated with a lamb before a landscape

Circle of Michael Dahl the Younger Portrait of Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke
Portrait of Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke

Circle of Michael Dahl the Younger Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in red, holding a volume of Tacitus
Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter-length, in red, holding a volume of Tacitus