After François Boucher

Diana and Callisto

After François Boucher - Diana and Callisto

After François Boucher
Diana and Callisto
18th Century
83.5 x 102 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 29 October 2003

Other works by François Boucher

After François Boucher An Allegory of Epic Poetry
An Allegory of Epic Poetry
18th Century

After François Boucher La vendangeuse
La vendangeuse
19th Century

After François Boucher L'amour Nageur
L'amour Nageur
18th Century

Studio of François Boucher La Cible d'Amour
La Cible d'Amour

After François Boucher Portrait of a young lady holding a letter
Portrait of a young lady holding a letter
18th Century