George Romney

Portrait of Elizabeth Burgoyne, half-length, in a white dress

George Romney - Portrait of Elizabeth Burgoyne, half-length, in a white dress

George Romney
Portrait of Elizabeth Burgoyne, half-length, in a white dress
74 x 61.5 cm
OIl on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 6 July 2016


By descent to Miss Blackett
Her husband, Sir Alfred Bower, and thence by descent to the present owner
Sale Bonhams, London, 6 July 2016, nr. 36

Other works by George Romney

George Romney The Penitent Magdalene
The Penitent Magdalene

George Romney Portrait of Montagu Burgoyne, half-length, in a red coat
Portrait of Montagu Burgoyne, half-length, in a red coat

George Romney Miss Willoughby
Miss Willoughby

George Romney Lady Romney
Lady Romney
mid- to late 1780s

George Romney Mrs. Davenport
Mrs. Davenport