Studio of Sebastian Vrancx

Travellers ambushed on a snow-covered path

Studio of Sebastian Vrancx - Travellers ambushed on a snow-covered path

Studio of Sebastian Vrancx
Travellers ambushed on a snow-covered path
50.4 x 92.3 cm
Oil on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 9 December 2015

Other works by Sebastiaen Vrancx

Attributed to Sebastian Vrancx Bandits in a rocky landscape
Bandits in a rocky landscape

Sebastiaen Vrancx The Kranenhoofd on the Scheldt, Antwerp
The Kranenhoofd on the Scheldt, Antwerp

Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx Christ preaching a sermon in a landscape
Christ preaching a sermon in a landscape

Sebastiaen Vrancx The Siege of Jülich, 1621-22
The Siege of Jülich, 1621-22
c. 1635

Circle of Sebastiaen Vrancx Landscape with Ransacked Wagon
Landscape with Ransacked Wagon