Circle of Sebastian Vrancx

A wooded river landscape

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx - A wooded river landscape

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx
A wooded river landscape
49 x 72 cm
Oil on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 31 October 2007


Anonymous sale, Finarte, Rome, 22 October 2002, nr. 431
sale Bonhams, London, 25 April 2007, nr. 44 (bought in)
sale Bonhams, London, 31 October 2007, nr. 40

Other works by Sebastiaen Vrancx

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx A palace garden with elegant figures feasting on a terrace with musicians on the balcony above them and a troupe of commedia dell'arte actors and acrobats performing below
A palace garden with elegant figures feasting on a terrace with musicians on the balcony above them and a troupe of commedia dell'arte actors and acrobats performing below

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx The sacking of a villa
The sacking of a villa

Studio of Sebastian Vrancx A winter village landscape with kolf players and skaters on a frozen river
A winter village landscape with kolf players and skaters on a frozen river

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx Elegant figures conversing and making music in a wooded landscape, with a village in the distance
Elegant figures conversing and making music in a wooded landscape, with a village in the distance

Circle of Sebastian Vrancx A winter townscape with figures skating on a frozen canal
A winter townscape with figures skating on a frozen canal