Ferdinand Bol

Abraham Meeting the Angels

Ferdinand Bol - Abraham Meeting the Angels

Ferdinand Bol
Abraham Meeting the Angels
176 x 203 mm
Pen and brown ink, brown and grey washes
Albertina, Vienna


Catalogues raisonnés
Sumowski, Drawings of the Rembrandt School, 259

External links

Albertina Accession number 8764

Other works by Ferdinand Bol

Ferdianand Bol Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well
Eliezer and Rebecca at the Well

Ferdinand Bol Jacob and Rachel
Jacob and Rachel

Ferdinand Bol Rest on the Flight to Egypt
Rest on the Flight to Egypt

Ferdinand Bol The angel appears to Gideon
The angel appears to Gideon

Ferdinand Bol Christ as a Gardener Appearing to Mary Magdalene
Christ as a Gardener Appearing to Mary Magdalene
c. 1640