Jacques de Gheyn

The Apostle Thomas

Jacques de Gheyn - The Apostle Thomas

Jacques de Gheyn
The Apostle Thomas
c. 1589-92
139 mm diameter
Pen and brown ink, brush and grey ink, grey wash, indented, on circular pieces of paper
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

External links

Museum Boijmans van Beumingen, Rotterdam Accession number MB 1734 (PK)

Other works by Jacques de Gheyn II

Jacques de Gheyn II Democritus and Heraclitus
Democritus and Heraclitus

Jacques de Gheyn II A Blowing Trumpeter
A Blowing Trumpeter

Jacques de Gheyn II Young Man Writ­ing at a Table (The Artist’s Son)
Young Man Writ­ing at a Table (The Artist’s Son)
c. 1605-10

Jacques de Gheyn II Sor­cer­ess with a Quill Pen
Sor­cer­ess with a Quill Pen
c. 1610-20

Jacques de Gheyn The Three Magi
The Three Magi
c. 1600-10