William James Glackens

She Gave Her Darter-in-law a Piece of Her Mind


William James Glackens - She Gave Her Darter-in-law a Piece of Her Mind

William James Glackens
She Gave Her Darter-in-law a Piece of Her Mind
254 x 197 mm
Brush and ink, charcoal, graphite, black crayon, and white gouache on paperboard
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia

External links

Barnes Foundation Accession number BF606

Other works by William Glackens

William James Glackens Woman Seated on Red Sofa
Woman Seated on Red Sofa
c. 1912-13

William James Glackens Tulips and Peonies in Pitcher
Tulips and Peonies in Pitcher
c. 1914-15

William James Glackens Beach at Dieppe
Beach at Dieppe

William James Glackens Flowers
c. 1915-16

William James Glackens Washington Square
Washington Square
c. 1910