Frans Hals

Portrait of a man

Frans Hals - Portrait of a man

Frans Hals
Portrait of a man
c. 1660
31.6 x 25.5 cm
Oil on panel
Mauritshuis, The Hague


Catalogues raisonnés
Seymour Slive, Frans Hals, London, 1970-72, nr. 210
Claus Grimm, Frans Hals, Stuttgart, 1989, nr. 140-141 info

Collection catalogues
Compiled by Quentin Buvelot, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague; Zwolle, 2004, p. 140 info

Pennen over penselen, Den Haag; Zwolle, 2022, pp. 296-297


Richard Foster, Clewer Manor, London, 1876-1882
Wilhelm Gumprecht, Berlin, 1882-1918
Paul Herman Heilbuth, Copenhagen, 1918-1922/23
William H. Bisby, St. Louis, Missouri, 1922/23-1956
Hans Schaeffer Gallery, New York
purchased with the support of the Friends of the Mauritshuis Foundation and the bequest of Jonkheer J. Loudon, 1957

External links

RKD 11158
Mauritshuis, The Hague Accession number 928

Other works by Frans Hals

Frans Hals Fishergirl
c. 1630-32

Frans Hals Portrait of a woman
Portrait of a woman
c. 1655-60

Frans Hals Man with a Beer Jug
Man with a Beer Jug

Frans Hals Isaac Abrahamsz. Massa
Isaac Abrahamsz. Massa
c. 1635

Frans Hals Portrait of a man
Portrait of a man
c. 1650-52