Samuel van Hoogstraten

Part of a perspective box


Catalogues raisonnés
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler II, Landau/Pfalz, 1983, nr. 888

Collection catalogues
Neil MacLaren, revised and expanded by Christopher Brown, The Dutch school, 1600-1900, London, 1991, pp. 204-206, plate 176e

External links

National Gallery, London Accession number NG3832

Other works by Samuel van Hoogstraten

Samuel van Hoogstraten Venus and Cupido
Venus and Cupido

Samuel van Hoogstraten Part of a perspective box
Part of a perspective box

Samuel van Hoogstraten Feigned Cabinet Door Painting
Feigned Cabinet Door Painting

Samuel van Hoogstraten Letter Rack with Play by Cowley and Letter Addressed to Van Hoogstraten
Letter Rack with Play by Cowley and Letter Addressed to Van Hoogstraten

Samuel van Hoogstraten Masters and Wardens of the Holland Mint at Dordrecht
Masters and Wardens of the Holland Mint at Dordrecht