Attributed to Ferdinand Bol

Joseph Sold by His Brethren to the Ishmeelites

Attributed to Ferdinand Bol - Joseph Sold by His Brethren to the Ishmeelites

Attributed to Ferdinand Bol
Joseph Sold by His Brethren to the Ishmeelites
c. 1632-33
172 x 267 mm
Pen and bistre
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York


Catalogues raisonnés
HdG 1076
Benesch 1954-57 73 info


1969 Rembrandt 1669/1969, Nr. 42

External links

Pierpont Morgan Library Accession number I, 174a

Other works by Ferdinand Bol

Ferdinand Bol Vertumnus and Pomona
Vertumnus and Pomona
c. 1638

Ferdinand Bol Amnon and Tamar
Amnon and Tamar
c. 1638

Ferdinand Bol Elijah Sleeping Beneath a Tree
Elijah Sleeping Beneath a Tree

Ferdinand Bol Esau Selling His Birthright to Jacob
Esau Selling His Birthright to Jacob
c. 1640

Ferdinand Bol The angel appearing to Hagar in the desert
The angel appearing to Hagar in the desert