
The Angel Departs from Manoah and His Wife

Rembrandt - The Angel Departs from Manoah and His Wife

The Angel Departs from Manoah and His Wife
c. 1639
145 x 156 mm
Pen and bistre, wash
Louvre, Paris


HdG 594
Benesch 1954-57 179


1988 Rembrandt et son école, Nr. 10

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt The Arrest of Christ
The Arrest of Christ
c. 1659-60

Rembrandt The Reading
The Reading
c. 1631

Rembrandt A Seated Female Nude
A Seated Female Nude
c. 1660

Rembrandt The Raising of Lazarus
The Raising of Lazarus
after 1631

Rembrandt A Woman Sitting up in Bed
A Woman Sitting up in Bed
c. 1635