Cornelis Troost

'Nemo loquebatur' (No One Spoke)

Cornelis Troost - 'Nemo loquebatur' (No One Spoke)

Cornelis Troost
'Nemo loquebatur' (No One Spoke)
565 x 725 mm
Pastel and brush in gouache on paper
Mauritshuis, The Hague


Collection catalogues
Compiled by Quentin Buvelot, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague; Zwolle, 2004, pp. 310-311

Pennen over penselen, Den Haag; Zwolle, 2022, pp. 150-151


Probably commissioned by Theodoor van Snakenburg, Leiden, 1739-1740
J. Tak, Zoeterwoude, 1781
J.A. Benner, Leiden, 1829
Mauritshuis, The Hague, purchased 1829

External links

Mauritshuis, The Hague Accession number 186

Other works by Cornelis Troost

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'Ibant qui poterant, qui non potuere cadebant' (Those Who Could Walk Did: the Others Fell)

Cornelis Troost The regents of the Amsterdam Almoners' Orphanage
The regents of the Amsterdam Almoners' Orphanage

Cornelis Troost Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: Reinier Adriaansz.'s Declaration of Love
Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: Reinier Adriaansz.'s Declaration of Love

Cornelis Troost The Wedding of Kloris and Roosje
The Wedding of Kloris and Roosje

Cornelis Troost Portrait of a member of the Van der Mersch family
Portrait of a member of the Van der Mersch family