Vincent van Gogh

Landscape near Montmajour with Train

Vincent van Gogh - Landscape near Montmajour with Train

Vincent van Gogh
Landscape near Montmajour with Train
490 x 610 mm
Pencil, reed pen and quill pen and brown ink
British Museum, London


Catalogues raisonnés
F 1424
JH 1502

Douglas W. Druick and Peter Kort Zegers, Van Gogh and Gauguin, Chicago, New York, 2001, p. 163, fig. 5
Timothy Standring, Louis van Tilborgh (eds.), Becoming van Gogh, Denver, 2012, p. 60, fig. 4
Sjraar Van Heugten, Les dessins de Van Gogh, Arles, 2015, fig. 44


Sent by the artist to Theo van Gogh (d. 1891), Paris, ca. July 13, 1888
his widow, Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, 1891, until at least 1898
presumably her gift to Mrs. H. Mauve-Carbentus
by descent to Rudolf Mauve, Scheveningen
Kunstzalen d'Audretsch, The Hague
Anthony van Hoboken, Vienna, Lausanne, and Ascona, by 1928, until at least 1945
Matthiesen Gallery, London
Cesar Mange de Hauke, Paris and New York, by 1948
his bequest to the British Museum, 1968

External links

British Museum Accession number 1968,0210.20

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh The Yellow House
The Yellow House

Vincent van Gogh A Corner of the Garden of St. Paul's Hospital at St-Remy
A Corner of the Garden of St. Paul's Hospital at St-Remy

Vincent van Gogh Kasteel Het Steen, Antwerp
Kasteel Het Steen, Antwerp

Vincent van Gogh Churchyard in the Rain
Churchyard in the Rain

Vincent van Gogh Man with a Hoe
Man with a Hoe